We don't do stars...
We don't do thumbs...
We read children's books and grade them in 10 categories:
literary quality
descriptive ability
humor (if attempted)
illustrations (if present)
believability of characters
believability of situations
overall reading enjoyment

There is no grading curve. There are no points for classroom participation. There is no extra credit.
If you disagree, come speak to us after class.

The Grading System

A+.....this means (guess what) we think it's great. So great it surprised even us.
A.....this means it's pretty darn good. A book we'd recommend to just about everyone we know.
B.....better than most. Not exactly Shakespeare for kids, though, if you get our drift.
C.....mediocre. Like the color beige, it didn't stand out.
D.....we didn't like it. There were more bad aspects than good ones.
F.....it reeked of badness. We read it over and over when we are in dire need of hysterical laughter.
F-.....We're pretty sure Dante had a circle of hell for the people who wrote these...and a lower circle for those who published them.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Reporter's Review: 3 Willows, the Sisterhood Grows, by Ann Brashares

Overall Grade: A-

Delacorte Press; 2009

Our reading for 2009 got off to a great start with Ann Brashares' newest Sisterhood book, 3 Willows, the Sisterhood Grows.  While this novel has a whole new cast of characters, they are all as unique and lovable as the original 4 (who you will find mentioned in little, interesting cameos if you're a fan missing your book-friends!) and they are sure to win a fan base of their own. 

While this book is certainly very serious and addresses many serious issues that may or may not be familiar to the average teen today, the author handles them with a sensitivity and hope for the future that turns an "issue book" into an inspirational book.  The writing, particularly the voice and character development, is spectacular, and makes the fairly mundane plot flow quickly and enjoyably along.  As with the other sisterhood book, you feel as if you have a private window into the characters' lives, and you will definitely want another look once you're finished...so here's hoping for a sequel.

Literary Quality: A-

Plot: A- (it's more of a character book)

Voice: A+ (great ability to maintain 3 unique voices through the novel)

Originality: B

Descriptive Ability: B

Humor: B

Illustrations: (none)

Believability of Characters: A+

Believability of Situations: A+

Overall Reading Enjoyment: A

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